How to make a portfolio (static website) with Hugo. | Blog 3

Deepraj R
4 min readJul 1, 2021


Hugo Icon.

My-Portfolio (This is a portfolio website made with Hugo)

Are you an individual/company attempting to impress job recruiters/clients with your portfolio website but are unfamiliar with the so-called basics of any website, such as H.T.M.L, C.S.S, and J.S?

Hugo is here to assist you.

1. Let us assume you have

==> If you have any doubts regarding anything,

1. Ask Google

2. And if the doubt persists feel_free_to_ping_me

3. ask Google again

4. Follow the principle of Trial and Error

Let’s dive into it

1. Install Hugo

I. Windows OS (Using Powershell)

i. install scoop

iwr -useb | iex

  • If it returned error you might need to change the execution policy

(i.e. : enable PowerShell) with

Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -scope CurrentUser

ii. install hugo

scoop install hugo

II. Linux OS

sudo apt install hugo

III. macOS

brew install hugo


port install hugo

2. Verify installation, by typing In command prompt/Terminal

hugo version

3. Generating website file

3.1 Creating a Hugo site file

hugo new site fileabc

(This will create a hugo website file, here we gave the name “fileabc”)

cd fileabc

(make fileabc as working directory)

3.2. Add Theme

Themes are collections of Hugo layouts that help you in building your site.

If you wish to use a theme, you may either build one for yourself or use one from the Hugo community.

For that

git init

git submodule add themes/hugo-coder


cd themes

git clone

cd ../

3.3. Copy all files and folders in name_of_your_file/themes/hugo-coder to fileabc

(you may use command if you are in Linux)

cp -rf themes/hugo-coder/* .

(note the FullStop in the end)

3.4. Copy all files in fileabc/exampleSite to fileabc

(If you are in linux you may use the command)

cp -rf exampleSite/ .

< Make Sure You Are In Your main folder a.k.a fileabc>

3.4.1. Generate Static website locally for testing

(These are the main commands while building site with Hugo)


hugo server

(search in browser http://localhost:1313 and you can see its present format of the website created by the creator of theme)

3.5. Tailoring according to your need:

3.5.1 Open VS Code

3.5.2. Open the site file a.k.a fileabc Make changes:

baseURL = “http://localhost"

title = “the_title_you_like





author= “your_name

in contents starting with:


add your social media links in

url = “social_media_link_here

OR (may change according to the theme you have selected)

link = “social_media_link_here

<< 3.5.3.addon. >>

— — — —

If you would like to remove any of the sub-files use # before everything related.

Consider that, you want to delete the file named Testimonial,

for that, go to config.toml


name = “Testimonial”

pre = “#”

url = “testimonial”

weight = 5



#name = “Testimonial”

#pre = “#”

#url = “testimonial”

#weight = 5


delete the whole lines of related content, if the local build returned an error use the most powerful command i.e: ctrl+Z a.k.a Undo, and ask the Knowledge-Baba

— — — —

3.5.4. Adding sub-files

<verify that you are in fileabc>

  • create file

hugo new *filename*.md (.md is a must)

if you wish to remove those existing ones, you may use # before that filename or delete that file.

copy your newly created .md file to content/english/blog

And Write your contents:




title: “enter_your_blog’s_heading

date: “(It_is_prefilled_with_time_of_file_creation)”

image: “images/name_of_image.jpg”

( paste the image in static/images folder and give the directory to the image with extension in place of name_of_image.jpg )

slug: “ ”





(for making it eye-catchy use markdown_languages)

  • If you are still confused about this; we have been using this in WhatsApp.


** To make a text bold


_ _ To make the text italic

To check for errors use the commands


hugo server

( search in browser http://localhost:1313 and you can see the present format of the website you have made. )

4. Deploy your website in GitHub

4.1.1 Create Repository in GitHub

  • Go to your GitHub Account(in browser)
  • SignIn
  • Create New Repository ( click on Green “New” icon, seen in the left side box)
  • 1. Repo name should be <username_in _github>
  • 2. Unmark “Add a README file”
  • 3. Make the repository public

4.1.2 In site File

In config.toml

edit baseURL = “http://localhost"


baseURL = “/”

4.2. goto Terminal (in VS Code OR Outside)

4.2.1 Switch the Folder to public

(if you are using Terminal Outside)

cd name_of_your_file

cd public

4.2.2 Initialize a Git repository in the public folder

git init

4.2.3. Add the files to Staging Area

git add .

4.2.4. Enter a commit message

git commit -m “first commit”

4.2.5. Checkout main branch

git branch -M main

4.2.6. Add remote

(Setting up remote is only for identifying the destination where the file is to be uploaded)

git remote add origin <link_to_your_repo>

4.2.7. Upload the code

git push -u origin main

(It will ask for UserName & Password, fill it correctly, and press Enter)

4.3. Enable GitHub Pages

From the homepage of your repository, choose Settings -> then select Pages from the sidebar on the left. Underneath the Source, choose the “main” branch.

Go to the GitHub Pages section again, and you should see a line “Your site is ready to be published at”

  • Click on that link to see your website

Voila, the website is served ready.

If you got something to convey to me, connect me via LinkedIn



Deepraj R
Deepraj R

Written by Deepraj R

Chaotic thinker who scribbles utter wilderness

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